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 The Veronicas-All About Us

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Süper Üye

Yaş : 26
Mesaj Sayısı : 489
Puan : 43
Kayıt tarihi : 04/09/09
Nerden : İstanbul xD
Lakap : Emoş, Emo, Miyop, zekzek, zekican, kaka, vaka

Kişi sayfası
Uyarı: 0
Yarışma Puanı: 350
The Veronicas-All About Us Empty
MesajKonu: The Veronicas-All About Us   The Veronicas-All About Us Icon_minitimeSalı Eyl. 08, 2009 1:37 pm

Aslında bunu Tatu söylemişti. Ama söz The Veronicas'ın. Ve onlarda söylemiş smile

They say don’t trust
You, me, we, us
So we’ll walk, we must
You, me and it’s all about, it’s all about

It’s all about us, all about us
It’s all about, all about us
All about us
There’s a theme that they can’t touch cause you know (us)
It’s all about us, all about us
It’s all about, all about us
All about us
We’ll run away if we must don’t ya know
It’s all about us (it’s all about us)
It’s all about us (it’s all about us)
(And no one can touch, it’s all about us, it’s all about us)

If they hurt you
They hurt me too
So we’ll rise up
Won’t stop and it’s all about, it’s all about

It’s all about us, all about us
It’s all about, all about us
All about us
There’s a theme that they can’t touch cause you know (us)
It’s all about us, all about us
It’s all about, all about us
All about us
We’ll run away if we must don’t ya know (us)
It’s all about us (it’s all about us)
It’s all about us (it’s all about us)
(And no one can touch, it’s all about us, it’s all about us)

They don’t know
They can’t see
Who we are
Fear is the enemy
Hold on tight
Hold onto me
Cause tonight

It’s all about us
It’s all about, all about us
There’s a theme that they can’t touch cause you know (us)
It’s all about us, all about us
It’s all about, all about us
All about us
There’s a theme that they can’t touch cause you know (us)
It’s all about us, all about us
It’s all about, all about us
All about us
We’ll run away if we must don’t ya know
It’s all about us (it’s all about us)
It’s all about us (it’s all about us)
(And no one can touch, it’s all about us)
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The Veronicas-All About Us
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